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The sun will do wonderful things for our bodies. It helps our skin produce vitamin D, thus blessing our bones. It can literally lighten our mood and help our well-being, and it helps us keep our sleep schedule regular. All we need is 15-30 minutes of it every day!  However,...

By Ellie Ward Read more

Summer is popular for a number of reasons. The additional heat, hours of daylight, and an uptick in holidays and vacations all make the months of June, July, and August fan favorites. However, along with the added amounts of fun come added concerns surrounding skin health.   Here are three skin care practices you must add to your routine this summer to keep you safe and worry-free....

By Tommy Johnson Read more

When you’re at the pool, on a hike, or spending a summer day out under the sun, it’s pretty easy to remember to put on sunscreen. But it’s not such an automatic thought when you're in your car, headed up the mountain to ski, or sitting in your office, about to start your workday. Even more, the idea to put on sunscreen may not even...

By Tommy Johnson Read more
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